Prayer Request

This web site is dedicated to my wife for the !@#$ that we have had to experience together and separately and now must endure for the rest of our lives...
The Tragedy
Where was God
The Aftermath
Where was God
Bethe's Story
Prayer Requests
Photo Album
Post Partum Depression
The Fund
Thank You
The Media

Requests (Answers/Praises)

Foremost and always, pray that God would be glorified throughout this situation.
Please pray me as everyone else's life returns to normal and mine somehow only seems to get worse (an endless cycle that only seems to go down or should I say that it just plain sucks and I don't want to deal with it) - better yet, don't bother.
Please pray for Bethe as she deals with her anger (lately it doesn't seem to be very healthily).
Please, please pray for all the students, faculty, and all directly and indirectly affected by the Columbine High School shooting in Littleton, CO. What's wrong with April?
Pray for the hospital as they change Bethe's medication.
Pray for me as I decide what if anything I want/should do with the media.
Continue to pray that Bethe will receive the proper medical care inclusive of care from a Christian perspective. - Bethe's treatment has thus far been great in that it is encouraging her to deal with her feelings and look at the tragedy from her point of view as well as from others.


01-11-99 - Pray that I/we would make it through the holidays ok. (When does this get easier.) - What can I say, I/we made it. Moriah's birthday (1/1) was the hardest in some ways for me.
11-27-98 - Pray for me as I redefine my life, with children yet recognizing they are gone, married yet physically separated while my wife is in the hospital. I feel that I don't fit in with married folks because my wife is not with me. I feel that I don't fit in with unmarried folks for I am married. Single yet married. I feel that I don't fit in with folks with children for our children are gone. I feel that I don't fit in with folks without children for we do have children. With children yet childless. I feel like a follower that has no choice but to lead. - I don't know what to think. Sometimes I feel pretty good and sometimes I feel horrible.
9-15-98 - Pray for Bethe as she changes wards, therapists, and doctor's at the hospital. - The adjustments have gone pretty well. I have been very impressed with Bethe's doctor and her willingness to work with us.
Pray for Bethe's doctor as she evaluates Bethe and developes her treatment plan. - Bethe's doctor has been very good.
9-21-98 - Pray that Bethe will deal with her feelings and emotions honestly and constructively. - It is very hard to see Bethe struggle with her feelings and at the same time, it is good to see that she is struggling because it shows that she is truely dealing with her feelings.
9-21-98 - Pray for our family therapy as we begin and that we will begin to heal together. - The family therapy is very hard emotionally but it is good to go through some of our emotional responses together. It is good to feel connected with Bethe.
9-21-98 - Pray that Bethe WILL NOT see what she has to do to move through the hospital system to get out but WILL focus on the tragedy and what she needs to do to get better. - Bethe's emotional response to the tragedy is encouraging (but hard). The therapist's and doctor's evaluation of Bethe has been very good.
9-10-98 - Pray that our '95 Windstar Minivan would sell. - Yes, praise God, it finally sold today.
8-16-98 - Pray that Bethe and I can begin family therapy as soon as possible. - We will be starting family therapy on 8-20-98 and continue every two weeks thereafter.
8-16-98 - Pray for me as I meet with the DA's office and Craig Truman and Dorian Welch to decide what (if anything) needs to happen next. - It looks like this will be a long process.
8-16-98 - Pray for Bethe and I as we adjust to being so far apart and are limited to speaking on the phone, writing, and visiting once per week (weather permitting). - This is going as well as can be expected.
8-16-98 - Pray for Bethe and I as we try to figure out what the rules are and how we can adequately communicate. - The transition seemed to go rather smoothly all though I will admit there have been some rather large pot holes to get through.
8-16-98 - Pray that Bethe and I will find a way to grow together through this whole process. - Somehow, through God's grace we are staying in touch and supportative of each others feelings
8-16-98 - Pray for the Doctors and Therapists as they decide how to best treat Bethe. - Bethe seems to be responding well to her treatment plan - it is definitely making her (and me) deal with what has happened.
8-16-98 - Pray that I will be somehow involved in Bethe's treatment plan. - The hospital wants me to come down for Bethe's monthly treatment plan reviews. The hospital has indicated that it is very unusual to have a patient have a support system and they will do their best to keep me involved. They are especially interested in any information that I can provide because I have known Bethe so much better and longer than they.
8-16-98 - Pray that I would rely on God alone. - That is one that only God can tell me if I am successful or not but I try.
8-16-98 - Pray for God to touch Bethe (and me) with his peace and mercy during this time. - It has only been by the grace of God that we have been able to get through this thus far and only by His grace, mercy, and love will we see it through.
8-16-98 - Pray that I will know how I can best love and care for Bethe. - I do my best to express my feelings honestly and listen and provide support for Bethe's feelings.
8-16-98 - Pray for our families as we grieve, and also try and love and care for Bethe. - The grief is something that will never go away but will with time learn to accept it as part of our lives forever.
7-10-98 - Praise God that the hospital wants me to be informed and involved in Bethe's treatment. Thank God for the hospital staff that has communicated with me and sincerely care about me.
7-6-98 - Pray for the July 1 trial date that all would go well. - Praise God as everything went as well as could be expected.
7-6-98 - Pray for me as I decide if I should address the court and what I should say. - Praise God as I was able to address the court and thank the various people and offices involved in the legal process (and I didn't even pass out).
7-6-98 - Pray that Bethe will be immediately transported to the state hospital after the trial and that she would not have to spend any time in jail waiting for transport. - Bethe had to spend a couple of hours in a holding cell waiting for transport to Pueblo. Other than the whole transport/check in process going slow which should have been expected, everything went as well as could be expected. Praise God as everything went about perfect.
7-6-98 - Pray that my assuption that everything that could go wrong already has and that Bethe actually will be going to the state hospital. - Praise God as stage one is finally over and Bethe seems to be settling in and is anxious to start processing what has happened and wants to heal.
7-6-98 - Pray that I will be able to handle the next week and a half. - Praise God as I'm still here so I must have been able to handle it. I just wish I did not exacerbate every bump in the road into Mount McKinley or bigger.
7-6-98 - Pray that Bethe will not be removed from medical care at this time. - Bethe was transported from Porter Hospital to court to the Colorado Mental Health Inst all in one day.
7-6-98 - Pray for Bethe?s attorneys as they prepare for her defense, and pray that the District Attorney and Judge will clearly make a fair and appropriate decision, which would be in this family?s best interests. - Praise God as there did not seem to be any hitches along the way.
6-30-98 - Praise God for the control He has taken in the situation.
6-30-98 - Praise God that the medical and psychological evaluations were completed on time and no extensions were required.
6-21-98 - Praise God that I actually did not have a very rough time on Father's Day and thank you to everyone that wished me a "Happy Father's Day" - I really appreciate being recognized as a father even though my kids are gone.